Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A post to explain the lack of a post

Today's official blog post will be available later today, probably around 6:00 Eastern time.  This has nothing to do with me being lazy and wasting an entire day off without writing a new entry.  There have also been rumors that today's drink was so delicious that Mrs. Bottle downed the entire thing so fast that Mr. Bottle barely got a taste.  Those rumors are entirely unfounded. It is definitely not because I had nothing to say, because that has never stopped me in the past.  Do not bother speculating on the reason, just be comforted by the fact that there will be a post later today.

In the meantime, we did add a new feature today.  It is full list of all drinks with their actual names, ratings, and ingredients.  You can access it in the side bar or just click here.  Also remember that if you don't want to miss a post you can either follow us on Twitter, 'Like' us on Facebook, or subscribe to our feed.  All three of those channels get updated whenever there is a new post. They are like a warm blanket to wrap you in the feeling of connectedness. Maybe not a thick fleece blanket, but at least a snuggie's worth of warmth.

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