Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Drink 108: Where in the World is Mr. Bottle?

Holy smokes, but it’s me (the better half of the Bottles) for the third day in a row. Mr. Bottle is very busy this week. He’s currently trying to determine which iPad app he likes the most. I think it’s between the cowbell app and the app that turns your iPad into a level. So let’s leave him alone so he can get back to testing if our countertop is level and I’ll get down to what I’m here to discuss.

Is she saying "White Power"?

For today’s drink, we’ve stumbled upon the Peppermint Pattie shooter. This drink is made from just two ingredients: white crème de cacao and white crème de menthe.  It used to be called White Power but people were always taking that the wrong way.  It tasted sort of like a York Peppermint Pattie but not quite. Probably more calories than the candy, too, since the York PP is advertised as a low fat food. But I did get a cool sensation when I drank it. But not one where I felt like I was on a mountain top yodeling, on a mountain ski jump, or riding a luge down a mountain. In fact I felt nothing at all related to a mountain. My sensation was purely this: When I sip/shoot a Mr. Boston Peppermint Pattie, I get the sensation of a cold mouth with a tinge of chocolate flavor.

And that my friends, is the Peppermint Pattie.

Overall Rating for the Peppermint Pattie

Taste: 4
Presentation: 4 – It looked like it would be cold
Ease of Preparation: 5 – Two ingredients and no garnish equal awesome
Drinks Until Blackout: 4 – 29% Alcohol


1 oz Crème de cacao (white)
1 oz Crème de menthe (white)

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