Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 55: Seek and Ye Might Find

Apple Brandy Cocktail
Candy Apple Brandy Cocktail Red
Today we have the cleverly named Apple Brandy Cocktail, a mixture of apple brandy, lemon juice, and grenadine.  Even coming in at over 30% alcohol, this drink wasn't bad.  It had a slight sour apple flavor that wasn't over-powering mixed with moderate alcohol notes. Plus it made my tummy warm when I had a sip. The drink's name is a positive, too.  Don't get me wrong,  I like whimsical drink names like Hula-Hula Cocktail as much as the next guy, but there is something to be said for a drink that just tells you what it is.  If someone brings me an Apple Brandy Cocktail I have a pretty good idea of what I’m getting.  If somebody brings me a drink called the El Presidente Cocktail #1 I don’t know in advance that I’m getting a drink that should be called You Will Be Sorry If You Order This.

In that vein, we here at TBIAW would like to reiterate that the purpose of our blog is to review a drink a day from the Mr. Boston Platinum Edition bar guide.  There seems to be some confusion about that based on some of the terms that have lead people here from various search engines. Some of the terms make sense.  I can see why “Tequila Drink” or “Maple Syrup” would land a Googler at TBIAW.   Even the person who searched for “Snickers Drink” would find something that is at least in the same subject area if not an exact match.  I am positive that the person who searched for “The Bottle is a Wonderland” ended up in the right place.  I am also confident he or she should probably bookmark this site.

Some of the people who come here may end up a little let down, though.  The people searching for “health master blender”, “where is the menu bar located”, or “cocktail dress” will not find what they were looking for here.  Protip: The menu bar is located at the top of the window. 

Was that so hard?
There were two searches that ended up here that left me a bit puzzled, though: “Porno animal and woman” and “girls getting it on with barn animals”.  My first reaction when I saw these phrases was “gross”.  My second reaction was “say wha?” How did those searches bring sickos to TBIAW?  I can only come up with two possible answers:  The first is that some search engines think “cocktail” is two words.  The second is that the long discussion of cows and romance in this entry are confusing them.  Maybe it is the photo of the girl and the cow with the naughty but hilarious caption?  Maybe those Ask Jeeves computers aren't as smart as we thought. I bet Watson would have known not to send those queries here.

I hope the animal lover at least stayed and read an entry or two.  That would probably raise his spirits if not his other bits.

Overall Rating for the Apple Brandy Cocktail

Taste: 3
Presentation: 4
Ease of Preparation: 4
Drinks Until Blackout: 3 –  32% alcohol


1.5 oz Apple Brandy
1 tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Grenadine

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